Hong Kong Flew-y

Friday, September 22, 2006

Turning 5, Wish it was hives!

The day before the kids birthday was a busy one. I kissed the kids goodbye at the bus and rushed off. I had a history tour with the YWCA, errands to run, swim lessons for the kids, a mandarin class and needed to bake cupcakes to take the school the next day. The kids were excited that they had one day left in the count down till their birthday party.

When I saw them after school, dread hit me as I looked at my happy kids face. Austin had 7 spots on his check and face. Hives, zits, it could have been a million things. But in a classroom of 30 kids, 7 had recently broken out in Chicken Pox or “chicken pops” as some of the kids have been calling it. With their birthday and big party less than 24 hours away, I tried to stay calm. I called the doctor and booked an appointment right away. Ally went to swim lessons and Austin and I grabbed a taxi to Repulse Bay.

The doctor was positive it was chicken pox. So like any good mother who had a big party planned the next day, I asked the same question over and over. “Are you sure?” “Could it be gone by tomorrow?” No mater how I phrased the question, I realized we would be quarantined for our 5th birthday.

Austin cried at the news, but decided it wasn’t so bad since his best friends at school had the “pops” and now he did too. Ally on the other hand wasn’t so understanding. She cried off and on for the next 24 hours. My biggest concern was how to change a birthday party for 35 kids in less than 24 hours. I tried calling the preschool, but got no answer. Since it was already 4:30pm, I was worried it was closed for the day. So I had the cab head straight there. While Austin waited outside, I was able to get a message to the director. By the time we made it back to our apartment, I was on my mobile phone with her. She was very understanding, and let us reschedule the party until October 6th. On to the cake…. I had thought about baking my own, but soon realized everything I had to bring to the party had to be transported by cab including three kids (one of the classmates was coming home with us.) The cake guy quickly made some calls trying to stop the baker. After qetting the baker and ballons switched, I started calling the 35 families involved. All this with two kids running around.

The next day I put my mommy marketing into full force. We were having a House Party! I got up early and made buttermilk pancakes (we’ll since I’ve yet to find buttermilk here, they were really lemon milk pancakes.) We decorated the house. As each relative called, we pulled out the corresponding birthday card or gift. When that winded down. I pulled out the mom and dad gifts: wiggle scooters. We baked a turtle cake. The kids blew up ballons. Showing how wonderful and welcoming people are here, two families came by with gifts to help us pass the time. Dad came home early at 6:30 and we made turtle pizzas (dough cut like turtles with pesto, cheese and olive eyes) for our Pizza Party.

I think the kids actually enjoyed their quarantined day. Nothing new toys and some ballons couldn’t cure.


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