Hong Kong Flew-y

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Cinco de Mayo! Ole!

Realizing it was Cinco de Mayo and there was not a sombero in sight. We decided to take matters into our own hands. At 10 am that morning, we invited 4 familes over for BBQ fajitas, coronas and margaritas. Amazingly, or just thirsty, all said yes. So after our swim lessons we headed to the grocery store. In typical Hong Kong fashion, it took us 3 different grocery stores to find the ingredients. Margarita mixer was the hardest to find, but the American Club store came through. With 8 adults and 12 kids, we started chopping and cooking. The kids menu was easy: Quesadillas, baby carrots and fruit skewers. We scrambled online to find recipes for fajitas and spanish rice, adding in beans and toppings.

We considered the night a success and were validated with a noise complaint from management. Of course, it was us complaining of noise the next morning.... anything that made noise. Our heads hurt.
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At 9:23 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Haa! Did it hurt as bad as after the night when me and Aunt Lou were there???


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