Dad still smiling even when he's dying....
May 1st is Labour Day in communist countries. So we celebrated by labouring up some high hills of Hong Kong. We joined Austin's best friend, Jacob, and his family on a morning hike from the Parkview apartments down to HKIS. It could be called the "hike of a thousand stairs", but the truth is it is a relatively mild hike for Hong Kong. In fact, despite the hills, Austin, Jacob and his sister, Sydney ran it most of the way. Ally, on the other hand, worked hard to complete the trail. She needed all the cheerleading, hand holding, blue berry bribing and even dad carrying to make it. But she did.
After the hot hike, we went to the club, where we did the nestea plunge into the pool. (OK so we put on our swimsuits first and walked in the stairs, but it still felt that good.) We had lunch and popsicles and hung out till dinner. The club was packed with families enjoying the day off in the middle of the week.
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