Lights, Action ......R2 Spring Music Show
Ally and Austin had their big Music show on Friday. They've been practicing for weeks, singing the songs at home at the dinner table. They were so excited that they refused to get hair cuts until just before the show, so that they would look good.
I got there early to get a front row seat. Ally was one of the speakers and was in the front row of the risers. As the kids paraded in, Ally was all smiles and waves.
Austin was on the opposite side in the back row. Austin didn't notice me till a friend pointed me out later.
Ally was the first speaker of the show. She said, "Welcome to the R2 Music Program." clearly and loudly. I was beaming.
Austin's class did a partner dance up front. Everytime he got a boy partner, he'd smack his head self-consciously.
But when Jasmine B. was his partner, he was all smiles.
Austin and Jacob always together
Ally was all performer. She posed for me throughout the whole show. When she wasn't posing, she was yawning. Her teacher came up to me asking, if I saw all the poses!
Kate, Ally, Devon, Music Teacher - Mrs. Barham and Keelin
Keelin, Devon and Ally
Jacob, Austin and me
Well said.
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